Coach health!!!

I don’t often tweet, I normally use the platform for retweeting good information and generally procrastinating.

But speaking to @christombs71 this morning made me think about working in pro sport and coaches health.
Working as an intern I would hear lots of story’s from older coaches in the field about divorces, marriage troubles and regrets about how there life had worked out due to working in professional sport and the sacrifices they have made concerning their family and friends.
Around 3 years ago I got the role of Head of Strength and Conditioning at a professional cricket team at the age of 24. I found myself spending 14 hours at the club and not seeing family or friends for weeks on end.
Eating utter shit, not training and having no social life (being 24 and single in Nottingham). This was not due to pressure from the club, it was not due to a busy work schedule or too much to do.
It was due to the mammoth overwhelming task I thought I had in front of me. I thought I had to be at the club all the time, that I had to make sacrifices because of the role I was in and this simply wasn’t true. I was sacrificing my life for literally nothing.
I went to Australia in December for a “CPD trip” and stayed with my old boss @rossherridge my biggest reflection from the trip was to get systems and processes in place, the job is not the main priority and you need to look after yourself.
Whether that’s getting enough sleep, training, eating well, spending time with the mrs, smashing some beers with the boys or even just going for a walk.
COVID-19 came and I took full advantage of furlough. Dropping 18kg, becoming closer with my mrs and family and getting solid sleep in. Now I’m back at work, more productive than ever, healthier and having better relationships with family. Don’t live to work, work to live!!
You can follow @LiamPricePT.
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