1 RT= 1 principle of the aristocrat’s proper use of drugs.
001- Drug use is epic and based actually. If you deny this you are probably coping for the fact that you do not have the will or presence of mind to use them effectively. If this is the case, all the better. Best that you leave their use to those who can utilise them well.
002- Straight edge is fine. Certainly straight edge is better than degenerative drug use. U CAN get truly and powerfully high on life (a rush better than heroin, gives U the strength of 10 men), but this is difficult for most. To achieve this high is admirable and loved by God.
003- Drug use is not a good in itself. Self-medication and self-optimisation are tools to fully manifest your will and flourish in power and beauty. The difficulty arises from finding + obeying one’s intuitions re your own capabilities, weaknesses, extent of your agency.
003.1- Those with agency and free will are able to escape addiction, and those with beautiful bodies and faces too.
004- The enlightened man has the ability to turn poison into food: For some, drugs are poison + corrode life. For others, strong of constitution + abundant with energy, poison becomes food, feeding a furnace of will within and stimulating the enlightened one to new heights.
005- Ultimate principle of drug use is NOT TO DELUDE YOURSELF. Drugs are for those with free will, and MARK MY WORDS, not everyone has that.
005.1- Free will is acquired thru ego-separation exercises, meditation, writing, great feats, health. Barring these U are not a mentally free being. U are not at the wheel so to speak, and are an easy mark for a drug addiction mind parasite to take control of your vehicle.
006- Like nutrition, your profile of drug tolerances and tendencies is extremely localised to you, and runs in your blood. Only experimentation will bring certainty about the details of this profile. Know when to abandon a substance.
007- remember that the difference between herbal remedy and experimental designer drug is sinply one of degree. ALL medicine is poisonous, and that is why it is useful. By interfering with the body's normal processes we can achieve desired result; carefully controlled poisoning.
008- A valuable heuristic is that drugs, simply put, are for the best people, not the worst.
009- Proper drug use is one thing, and large swathes of the world are incapable of it. However, proper drug ABUSE is another entirely, and the well of spiritual beauty + abundance which is required to make one's entire being a form of art thru drug abuse is inconceivable to most.
Have you ever met a TRULY high-functioning heroin addict? I have. Corporate lawyer, corner office, perfect taste in interior design. Very handsome guy. Positive canthal tilt, protrusive lateral orbital rim, strong browridge. His face reminded one of a symphony. Lesson here.
010- The substances synthesised in labs today correspond to those used by ancients in the pursuit of spiritual perfection, which themselves analogise the effects of music, sex, ecstatic meditation, dance, and prayer:

the original

011- Strong doses of tobacco were used to prepare native americans for withdrawal from profane life and the stimulation of visions and signs. Arabica coffee was used by Sufis for transcendent meditation and enraptured devotional ceremony. Think on this. https://twitter.com/DonSteamin/status/1280620757567942656?s=20
012- Drugs are not reducible to their chemical composition, and their effects cannot be understood outside a mystic or non-scientific paradigm. Eg. the best alcohols have effects beyond depressant chemicals.
012.1- the Timorese Tua Mutin, palm flower wine, contains bacteria with aphrodisiac + calmative effects, blessing a drinker with divine energy and reflecting the timorese model man, one of eloquence and magnanimity.
012.2- I witnessed timorese fisherman speak extemporaneously to gathered village w/o pause or hesitation for 1 hour, extolling Gods, elements, fruits of Mother Nature, and bonds of kinship in the village. This feat is not understood adequately w/o reference to divine inspiration.
Nicotine: powerful neurostimulant, brings focus and immersion. Use nicotine gum 4mg to ingrain positive habits. chew when doing something onorous but rewarding. Doesn't take long for the associative neural pathways to take root. Chinese tiger mums know this.
Even better, grow ur own tobacco to chew. It's probably illegal where u are, but black markets for seeds thrive all over the world, easy to find. Divorced obese alcoholic at an airport offered them to me free, rebuffed from customs, and I knew better than to scorn fate.
Caffeine: used alongside nicotine facilitates wired, intense energy. Most normies have bad physical dependency on coffee. Me? I chain smoke cigars and slonk black coffee, write for 8 hrs straight, break only to refill. Great essays have been produced thus.
You can drink coffee like water; batch-brew black coffee and keep in glass bottles in fridge. Entire row of my fridge door is dedicated to this, right under the kefir shelf.
Many great nights I have spent cornering neotenous girl at party to assault her with unhinged barrage of non-sequiturs on flawed scientific method, demons, psychic poisoning etc. Always, she starts off allured, becomes fearful + confused, eventually again irresistibly attracted.
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