I've talked about my complete and total disdain for Joe Biden quite a bit and this person had nothing to say.

I talk with someone about their culty Trump coworkers and it's straight to "what about" bullshit
Here's some unpleasant truth: you don't get to scream about the sexual assault accusations of politicians you oppose while ignoring those of ones your hail.
And I'll be blunt - Biden is scum. Trump is also scum.

Trump also shit the bed on a pandemic and tries too look the other way while rampant racism is, impressively considering the history of the US, getting worse.
You don't get to scream about Biden's proud racism and misogyny while looking the other way on Trump's. And don't pretend like my criticizing your side is somehow telling the other jackass's supporters they're all clear.
It's the 2016 election all over again. "Oh, you call out Trump but not Bill Clinton?" "Here's a list of all the times I called Clinton a rapist so, fuck both of them and fuck you."
Go ahead. Talk some more shit.
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