People who insult you love to project. I’ve been called “lazy” by some of the laziest comics I’ve ever met. Since I wasn’t driving a thousand miles to perform for five people, my hard work didn’t “count.” These dudes never work on their actual jokes or figure out what’s funny.
All they do is react to what the audience does. And they assume it’s because the audience is stupid or sensitive. There’s no accountability for the lack of thought that went into a joke. I’ve recorded every set I’ve ever done in eight years. I have Google Docs of jokes.
I have hundreds of videos and all the time and technology in the world to put together new clips, pictures, and subtitles. All of this, since it isn’t physical assertion, or their idea of “suffering for your art,” isn’t seen as hard work, b/c they’ve never put forth the effort.
I did one 5-second TikTok video and it took and hour and it was fucking hard. You think making a short ass captivating video is easy? You try it. A shorter window is more difficult. It’s easier for me to do half an hour onstage than 3 minutes.
I’m tired of standup comedy gatekeepers tell you what “counts” as hard work or success, when all they really are is angry because they haven’t figured out how to use social media correctly.
You can follow @robintran04.
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