And you do realise that women feel the same too. We're exhausted, and we are facing an absolute tsunami of misogyny form trans activists, which everyone just totally handwaves. JK Rowling has been told to suck dicks by hundreds of people and there are people posting porn on
her Ickabog threads. Not that you's know that from The Guardian. Women have been assaulted, they are under investigations at work, they have to go to work with bodyguards, our meetings are beseiged, if we want to speak in public we need triple security. And nobody gives a shit.
Why is this debate entirely structured by trans people's feelings? Why do trans people's feelings unilaterally trump women's? Why do women always have to be nice and kind when they are confronting a rights movement that could have decided, at any point, to stop monstering us and
dismissing us and telling us all our concerns were hateful and illegitimate, and then we could have sat down and started to work out solutions to this mess.

I'm sure the trans people you know are upset. Their rights movement has told them that any women who won't comply hates
them and wishes them harm. Which is not true. They are actively exacerbating the distress of a vulnerable population for political leverage. And once again who gets blamed? Like we get blamed for men murdering trans women. Like we get blamed for trans children's distress.
The TRM could have put its energy into working out solutions to the resource conflicts and lobbying for better healthcare and reducing waiting times. If they had put a tenth of the time and energy into that they have put into bullying women then half these problems could have
been solved by now. And many many of the women on this side would have stood in solidarity with them.

But no no, this is all our fault. Like everything else. If only we weren't such nasty old cows.
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