my opinion on every mbti type based on ppl i know instead of actual facts (part 2) 😸👍❤
ok first of all if u only know ur type from 16personalities then u do not know ur type. i recommend researching the functions so u can type urself properly but u can take tests if u want to.  is one of the most decent ones imo
ok anyway . dont take this too seriously all types r cool and amazing and if something i say doesnt apply to u then thats epic 👋 this is all just 4 fun
♟️ intj
-yall r so scary even when u dont try to be scary. whats wrong
-some of them r really cold and some of them r really sweet and its weird
-assholes most of the time but its okay ilu
-they dont enjoy social stuff at all but theyre good at hiding it
-do u hate me b honest 😿
🧪 intp
-theres 2 types of intps and its [cishet men] [everyone else]
-if ur a cishet intp man then shut up
-if ur an everyone else intp... 😏
-theyre always so fucking funny idont get it
-so cool but theyre so bad with social things that theyre not intimidating
👑 entj
-why are u so angry. why are u so angry i really dont get it
-um ur soft on the inside idont need proof i just know . baby. stop hiding it 😸👍
-How .how do you do things. what the fuck
-the superior type .objectively
-howdoes your brain work im serious
💡 entp
-oo ur a villain ooo ur sick and twisted and evil and fucked up
-crazy insane. causes problems on purpose
-BUT also really sweet and caring . usually on the inside but some of u are [😽]
-they have so many ideas at the same time its So Hard 2 keep up with them......
🌕 infj
-do u want to talk about it
-therapist friend ❤😸👍
-always there for u but when u ask them about their day they Leave
-so cool and mysterious . kinda stupid too
-the most swag
-"Ah Yes i predict that youll die on june 4th 2023 at 5:34 pm dont ask me how i know"
🌱 infp
-🥺 ;-;
-idc if u want to be edgy bae ur soft. sweet amd baby
-they love fantasy and nature and sunsets. all of them
-not everything u do is bc ur an infp i promise
-self centered but also very kind so we dont talk about that
-i have literally never met a cishet infp
⚔️ enfj
-ur so nice but i did not ask. i Did Not
-"do u want this?" "no" "*hands u the thing*"
-if u share anything personal with them they Will tell a random cashier about ur trauma
-sghut up . Stop Talking !!!!
-they have good intentions tho. if theyre mature then um . 👋❤😽
🎈 enfp
-stupid but not stupid enough
-ohhh ur crazy insane oooohhhh
-theyre silly and energetic . like theyre just &$*#*JF;,KSKF^#*-:@&$($F
-wonderful vibes . dumb little mbti type
-like entps theyre just OH IDEA OH THIS OH ANOTHER THING
-they always date ixfps and intjs ???
📊 istj
-ironically i do Not know a lot of istjs but ur swag
-they look bored and edgy but also like absent
-they kinda dont ever know whats going on and thats fine
-always worried. But Why
-swaggy af imo. istjs r the most epic but yall r not ready 4 that conversation❤
🛡️ isfj
-((((gently holds
-i love u so much Bae😿❤
-the sweetest ppl ever idont know how they do it
-they usually like baking and cooking and stuff like that and i just,. 😿
-Always Worried
-u dont have to trust/stay with people u dont like . its ok . shitty ppl dont deserve u
📏 estj
🎂 esfj
-so caring.. . .. so Compassionate.......
-theypost dumb shit on their instagram stories
-I'm Sick Of Crying 😭😔 Tired Of Trying 😑☹ Yeah I'm Smiling 😋🤗 but Inside I'm Dying 😨😞
-kinda manipulative but not intentionally
-sexiest type if mature enough . 😸
🔨 istp
-edgy bitch
-how are you Alive
-boss bitch . The sexiest
-theyre always doing something dangerous . i do not understand
-ah yes lets reverse engineer this for fun 😋
-always lying about Something .
-so cool.......
- 😹😹 take it apart and put it back together again 😹😹
🖌 isfp
-Adventurer personalities are true artists, but not in th
-theylove plants and animals and nature and bugs and
-Chill . down 2 earth. just vibing
-if unhealthy they hide behind their art/creations instead of developing a personality❤
-evil and fucked up
⚽️ estp
-well gladly im notfriends with any estps irl . love u baes
-idk chads
-Always Vibing and looking Forward 2 trying Something new❤
-once they decide they want 2 do something its very very hard 2 make them change their mind
-they commit crimes . Just 4 fun
🎉 esfp
-BAE lets hold hands❤
-enfp but with the right amount of stupid
-its always either "oh no i need to help all my friends i want them to b happy!" or "No . Me Now"
-stubborn af . God bless❤
-good fashion sense !!!!
-just kinda dumb . ((kiss
Thatse It . dont b mean to me❤
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