If you support (or signed) the Harper's letter, don't invoke me as an example of somebody who was "cancelled." My academic career was systematically destroyed by the same institutional forces the vast majority of signatories uphold (and from which they benefit).
If the letter had meant to be in support of people punished for criticizing Israel, its authors would have invoked Zionism as the biggest threat to free speech in the West. They didn't, because the majority are themselves Zionist.
In fact, they're little concerned with "free speech." What really has them worked up is a perceived decline of Western civilization, of which Zionism is part and parcel. It's a dull, insidious lament as old as modernity itself.
I'm sorry to keep this conversation going. I know I shouldn't, but I feel the need to make clear that people who use my name to rationalize the letter do it without my agreement.
(Addendum for those academics invoking me as a victim of "cancel culture": instead of signing/praising a letter nobody asked for [amid a revolt of the dispossessed], why don't you get me a fucking job at your institution if you care so much about my well-being?)
And can talk about how Chomsky, whom I don't even mention and in fact carefully exclude from the charge of hypocrisy, keeps making himself available as an authority figure for white liberals to beat us over the head with whenever we step out of line?
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