Bitcoin’s perception in the eyes of its community has evolved as much as the industry itself. We’ve complied a few articles, some dating as far back as 2014, that have influenced the community over the years and would be great introductory pieces to a curious newcomer.

1/ There is no better place to start understanding the core technology in Bitcoin other than the original #Bitcoin whitepaper itself. 
3/ Also back in 2014, co-founder of @a16z Marc Andreesen ( @pmarca) wrote about a technology that offered the first practical solution to a longstanding problem in computer science: The Byzantine General’s Problem called #Bitcoin ...
4/ Ray Dalio ( @raydalio), without ever mentioning the word #Bitcoin , wrote an insightful piece describing his investment thesis around an upcoming paradigm shift driven by the shortcomings of monetary policies directed by central banks.
6.5/ 👆 This is profound in understanding Bitcoin’s place in the world, as every fiat currency in history has completely failed in its ability to maintain purchasing power.
8/ The most powerful protest is one in which you vote with your capital.

@nic__carter eloquently conveys this, explaining that one of bitcoin offers the potential of a parallel, reliable financial system that functions outside of state intervention.
10/ Lastly, @real_vijay’s “The Bullish Case for Bitcoin” explores how in a world awash with reckless global monetary policies, “owning bitcoins is one of the few asymmetric bets that people across the entire world can participate in.”
11/ These are only a small sample of the diverse thinking within the Bitcoin community!

What posts have influenced you or brought you into #Bitcoin ? Please reply with link(s) below.
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