The US had more time & resources to prepare for COVID-19 than anyone & chose instead to let it spread beyond control. How that fact alone hasn’t brought things to a standstill is wild to me & says a lot about how Americans are acclimated to this kind of violence from our gov’t.
Did people not observe what happened in NY where the morgues were overrun & they had to dig mass graves? We’re going to have *entire regions* of the USA looking like NY & folks are still talking about whether we’ll have sports in the fall. I... *sigh* It’s gonna be so bad, y’all.
I don’t know what to say to folks who really think football will be at the forefront of our minds in September and not the crisis of mass death and economic depression. People are in massive, massive denial.
The other thing folks don’t seem to grasp is that the US is going to fall behind the rest of the nations who actually engaged a public health response. This will have long-lasting, reverberating consequences beyond the mass death & economic catastrophe that we can easily predict.
Ppl are “recovering” from COVID with lifelong health complications. They still aren’t sure what this fever & rash is that they’re seeing in children who’ve been infected. So it’s going to reduce the overall health of the nation and further tax an already-burdened health system.
I haven’t been saying as much about the pandemic because I ask myself if there’s a point in telling folks about a disaster that’s already underway and can’t be prevented now. But I’m honestly just so blown away at the disconnect between reality and the public discourse.
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