In a genuine attempt to be helpful (no really), I’m going to post a series of reports and publications that might be helpful when @educationgovuk and @GavinWilliamson start to really think about what a tertiary system might look like in England...
Starting with a short column in @FEWeek from the great Ewart Keep (who isn’t on twitter but really should be). This is short and to the point (but you could really read anything and everything from Ewart and it would be worth your time:
So once you’ve done that - and hoovered up everything else from @SKOPEOxford including Ken Mayhew (who Williamson quotes in the speech), try this from Pepper D Culpepper
So there’s a need to think about whole systems - FE+HE but also employment, business & increasingly R&D (to be fair Williamson hints at this). You won’t agree with all of it but Wales are having a go. See the reforms prompted by Hazelkorn Review:
Next up - @LordsEconCom and ‘Treating Students Fairly’ from 2018: we’ve all read Augar (which to be fair had its highlights). But this was better...
Finally - and because it’s my thread - I’m including one of mine. We have a long & largely disappointing history of creating specialist higher technical institutions. If you want it to work you’ve really got to create a system and stick with it:
Actually there should be one more - because Gavin Williamson is also talking about ‘levelling up’, regional industrial strategy and skills - this summary of the chopping and changing of policy in these areas from @instituteforgov is essential:
You can follow @AndyWWestwood.
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