One last rant and then I’m done on this.

My father was an attorney. Everyone from my kindergarten teacher on said I should be an attorney.

I had zero interest. No, I had stronger feelings that that. I had active, strong antipathy towards the idea.

Among the reasons:

The legal community seems to comfort itself with an insular, inside-baseball idea that the process itself once worked all the way through equals justice.

As if the definition of “justice” is the machine working as it is “supposed to” regardless of how long that takes or what the consequences are of the steps and time that takes.

Two weeks ago, SCOTUS issued a major ruling on trans rights.

It was a major victory for Aimee Stephens, one of the plaintiffs.

Or, it would have been had she not died before the ruling.

She saw no justice in her lifetime.

One of Bernie Madoff’s main co-conspirators, Frank Avellino, has STILL not been brought to justice.

Madoff was arrested in 2008.

Avellino has tied up his case revolving around his nearly billion dollar fraud for over a decade.

Not only does a justice system that moves at a glacial pace NOT equal justice, it is susceptible to exploitation by bad actors for whom that glacial pace itself is success.

A court system unresponsive to matters of urgency is not a justice system.

So, no, being a participant in that system never interested me whatsoever.

I would find no solace in absurdly delayed eventual findings that did nothing to remedy the new harms caused by the delays themselves.

I wish the legal community would abandon its orientation toward celebrating rulings like today’s as if cases exist in a mythical world where time doesn’t exist and consequences don’t matter.

The system is inherently flawed to the point of, in some ways, broken.

The inevitable gushing legal takes about the Roberts court’s conclusions are going to be hard to stomach.

They will wholly ignore that throughout an entire presidency, as a public clamored for justice, the court came nowhere close to delivering it.

Yuck. All of that. Yuck.

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