THREAD: This is my response to the announcement from the @scotgov today of the need to change the fee status for future EU students as a result of the UK's departure from the European Union. 1/8
In many respects this is a sad day for Scotland – an unavoidable consequence of #Brexit, and one of the many ways in which the decision to leave the European Union will leave us diminished. Students from across Europe enhance our campuses and our country socially, culturally 2/8
and economically – and while the legal status of future EU students will soon change, the warm welcome and world-class education on offer in Scotland will not, and so I’m confident that many EU students will continue to choose to study here. 3/8
It is however very welcome news that this funding will stay in the higher education sector, and is a real demonstration of the @scotgov's recognition of the key role our universities and colleges have to play as we emerge from the #COVID19 pandemic. 4/8
It's also welcome that all undergraduate EU students who enrolled up to and including 2020-21 will continue to enjoy free higher education for the duration of their studies. & while it is not in the circumstances any of us would have chosen, it is excellent news that we will 5/8
now be able to accept additional Scottish students to undertake a university education –offering more opportunities for young people across our communities & helping to ensure our labour market is equipped with the skills we need to succeed in an increasingly volatile economy 6/8
Our further and higher education sectors will be critical in ensuring a sustainable, fair economic recovery from the current crisis, particularly in ensuring an avoidance of long-term labour market scarring that we have seen in the aftermath of other economic crises 7/8
– and today’s announcement on Scottish student numbers is a very welcome step in enhancing this role even further. END 8/8
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