PSA: Take a BREAK between undergrad and graduate school. Trust me, you'll need it.
I didn't take a break. I dove right into a Masters from undergrad and then I dove right into a PhD after that.

I wish I took some time to work (and explore what jobs were available to me) between degrees.

I might have chosen differently about coming back to academia if I had
Taking a break from all my adult responsibilities by going on a vacation or something was absolutely NOT an option for me as a #firstgen w/o any form of financial support.

I had to work and pay bills, but what I didn't have to do was rush into a 4y PhD program.
If this approach doesn't work for you - that's okay! If you prefer to dive right in, then dive right in.

Everyone's situation is unique and there's no one size fits all, but I really wish I took some time between degrees - things would be very different for me right now if I did
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