As we're talking about using masks in communities, we need public health education and messaging to STOP WEARING GLOVES IN PUBLIC. No one ever said to do this - and the habit is still ongoing. Many reasons below.
1) COVID-19 is much more related to droplets. Outside of hospitals, contaminated surfaces or "fomites" are rarely a source of transmission. This was the only potential rationale for use - but given this isn't much of an issue, there isnt a benefit here 
2) Other microorganisms transmit on gloves. In a time when we're talking about the altruistic use of masks, the use of gloves is the opposite. Great data from hospitals about superbugs like VRE and MDR acinetobacter on gloves - we mitigate by good HH and very short term use.
But in public if you are using your gloves, touching contaminated surfaces, touching yourself, your phone and walking around, you are spreading microorganisms to your surfaces, and to other surface. It may not be COVID, but it is still significant to the next person.
3) You can contaminate your hands when taking off the gloves. So the whole intention to keep your hands clean may go completely backwards if you a) don't take them off appropriately or b) don't wash your hands well immediately after
Gloves have a role in short term use when dealing with a contaminated surface/person/food and then should be taken off afterwards with hand hygiene. They have no role outside of this - i.e. the trip to the grocery store. Not to mention the downstream environmental consequences
Urging all public health officials, and people who message to the community to please, put out formal recommendations against this. It has no bearing on community personal protection, but I think people think "it can't hurt". Good evidence against this point from our hospitals.
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