I've been driving through a lot of rural America. I live in it. I have terrible internet speeds, you may have heard me bitch about it.

Trigger warning: conspiracies, Elon Musk, and download speeds of less than 10mbps.

(Note to streamers: the upload speeds are worse)
I live in a blue state. No bigger city leans right. Once you get far enough outside city limits you start seeing Trump 2020 signs everywhere. Why? Do they only get fox news? No. But their internet speeds do not allow for much beyond loading archaic coded sites
But aren't these ppl on cell phones? Sure but it algorithmically feeds them their own echo chamber. Also it should be noted, many still use some sort of pc or tablet connected to home wifi. But can we even call it wifi? It's satellite. It's really bad. Am I saying some of those
insane right conspiracy sites are coded to load on rural connections.
You're god damn right I am. *western cowgirl voice*.
Is anyone trying to stop this bullshit? Yes, people like Elon Musk and Google have been trying to provide high speed access. Who blocks this? Lobbyist.
Guess who they work for... if you guessed the subsidiary owners of the bad connection companies you would be right. Now let's see who they pay. Oh. The big cell phone carriers who lease out the towers that bounce the connection. In other words, it's not profitable.
What is profitable is to keep the bad slow speeds, charge twice as much for it and do half the maintenance. That get's left on the ppl they pay anyways. It's a lot of fuckery, but Trump gives these guys major tax breaks. This is why once a year you see a lot of snap on Verizon.
If anyone is a true baddie (besides the president) it's Verizon. AT&T, HughesNet, Dish, Comcast, all of them are fine with this because it's means more cash for them. running more cable costs them money. Why do that when they can overcharge? Why hate on Verizon more?
Because if anyone wants to destroy your rights more, it's them. From freedom on the internet, to being able to actually a choose an isp, Verizon is there to make sure you have no choice. In true conglomerate fashion, they have zero ethics about this. *phew* Ok done ranting.
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