Here are some ways “cancel culture” is real: sometimes when people come out as trans, they lose their jobs and are disowned by their families and friends. Sometimes when a man finds out a woman he wants to have sex with is trans, he murders her.
Some other ways “cancel culture” exists right now in America: sometimes, when a Black man goes on a run, he’s murdered by white people. Sometimes, when a Black child plays in a park, he’s murdered by the police.
Sometimes people have lifesaving medical treatment cancelled because they can’t pay for healthcare, and they die. 120,000 more Americans are dead this year from COVID-19 because the government is failing to lead.
If you’re a journalist or academic with a big platform and you’re whining about an inaccurate paper being retracted instead of using your platform to rage against the injustices that cost people their lives every day, you should be ashamed of yourself.
Cancel culture exists for people from marginalized people around the world. It is not the vague anxiety felt by tenured professors or Scottish billionaires.
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