Oh man, talking with parents and telling them to keep wearing N95 masks in rural Iowa when no one else is. #MillenialProblems am I right?
The point of the shutdown isn't just to flatten the curve, but to implement test&trace procedures, and get medical equipment. But it seems like so many in the US viewed it as a curfew. I do my 14 days and I'm done.
When Shanghai reopened, everyone was wearing a mask, everyone was getting temp checked everywhere, you could scan a code in the metro/taxi and check-in to help the effort, etc...
Here's the thing. You can completely disagree with how China is governed and think it's terrible, and simultaneously acknowledge it's incredibly well-suited to handle a once-in-a-century airborne pandemic.
We did 2 months completely shutdown in Shanghai. I naively thought my parents would just do the same, and then things would be ok there. But it's gotten worse. What do I tell them to do now?
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