I can see everyobe on my tl is just finding out about the Naya situation and dont know the full story so in this thread i will be explaning everything i know about what's happened
Naya rented a boat so her and Josey could go swimming in Lake Piru, this lake has had alot of drownings, a few hours ago the boat was seen drifting and when authorities got on the boat Josey was asleep on the boat and Naya wasnt with him
When asked Josey told the authorities his mom had jumped into the water so she could go swimming and he hadn't seen her since, the police searched (not nearly as long as they should of) and then stopped claiming it was too dark they are refusing
To continue the search for a few hours even though right now Naya is a missing person and the first few hours are the most important in a missing person case
On the news a officer even called Josey a '3 year old girl' this shows how little they care about what's happended
You can call the Fillmore police as they are the closest to Lake Piru hotline - (805) 524-2233
website # - 805.654.2380
Please share this thread so people who are just finding out can understand the situation and help Naya #FindNaya
If you need someone to talk to you can dm me and dont worry, it's fine to need to take a break from twitter
I will continue to update this thread as we get more information
Update: apparently the boat Naya and Josey where on was found by another boater and when they found him he was asleep wearing a lifejacket, also on the boat was Naya's ID and an adult lifejacket
Update 2: apparently both got in the water to swim but only Josey got out
Update 3: apparently Josey said to the police "Mum jumped into lake and didn't come back up"
Update 4: in the same interview where the sheriff or whatever he is called Josey Naya's "3 year old girl" he continuously calls Josey "she" and "the girl"
If you dont know this is Naya Rivera, she's a 33 year old actress and singer known for playing Santana Lopez on Glee, she has a 4 year old named Josey
Update: Naya is now presumed dead after only 7 hours, according to google (which i know isn't the best source but it's the only one i have) you have to search for a missing person for atleast 24 hours
Update: Josey is safe and staying with family, a picture from search has come out of a body on the shore, if it is Naya lets hope she is just sleeping from exhaustion becuase she had to swim so much
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