Sudhakar Chaturvedi confesses to be an army source reporting to Purohit @RituRathaur
I don't for a moment doubt the patriotism or loyalty of Purohit. The point I m making is that a covert operation was on. Purohit was part of it. He was mingling with Hindu leaders, collecting information about them & reporting to his seniors. Loyally & faithfully.
The aim of this operation was to wedge differences between various Hindu groups, blame & pin their leaders in terror cases & generally take heat off from Islamic terrorism. It was code named Operation Hindu.
Purohit was doing his duty. But was burnt having outlived his utility.
So, Malegaon accused aren't 1 group.They are 2 sets of ppl. Ist set of Sadhvi, Maj Upadhyay, Kulkarni are victims of Op Hindu & were being spied upon by 2nd set of Purohit & Sudhakar. 2 others became accused by association.
When ATS arrested 1st set, UPA found 2nd set expendable
Thus Purohit, an ambitious int offr lost his career to the evil designs of some very top handler of Op Hindu.
He maintains that he was on covert operation. Court of Inquiry documents prove his claim.
Why Op Hindu was launched? Who launched it? Was it UPA? Was it Pak ISI? If it was ISI; how, why & who cleared it in UPA? Why MI got involved into it? These are some questions which need answers. Modi govt's silence isn't an encouraging sign.
Since the case is false, a frame up, all accused will get acquitted honourably. It's only a matter of time.
But the very thought that it could happen & indeed it happened in India, is horrifying.
Here, the accused are victims of the evil mechanism of the then govt. No mai baap!
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