Obviously anti-trans people already claiming that this was a poll of @PinkNews readers. This poll was conducted by @YouGov of a representative sample of the UK just like every other poll it does for @thetimes and many other outlets.
A number of people misrepresenting the question asked by @YouGov. Full data here. Please note the wording used was so that we could compare to a previous @YouGov poll rather than how we normally phrase things in our editorial at @PinkNews.
Other marginally interesting insights from the data:
1) If you voted for Brexit, you are more likely to be opposed to self-identification
2) Across all age groups, more people support self-ID than oppose it
I also want to stress this: The current Gender Recognition Act, requires that a trans person socially transitions to their defined gender for 2 years before applying for a GRC. Our question is not related to the GRC itself, but the act of self-identifying which is required first.
This is a question of the broad acceptance of the rights of people to live their lives in their defined gender rather than a commentary on 2004 Act or future legislation. It's not possible to socially transition and not be allowed to use the facilities of your defined gender.
To remind people, this is what I said two years ago on @BBCNewsnight about this when the government’s consultation opened. Self ID has been happening for years. Nothing has changed
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