What other race has kids under 10 year olds getting gunned downed in the streets on a daily basis? You tell me that and I will shut up for the rest of my life on these issues in my community. If not then shut the hell up.
And the solution isnt ban guns. Because that crap doesnt even work. St Louis hasnt banned guns and have the same problem Chicago or DC or any of these other Democratic run cities have. It's really all about culture. Plan and simple.
And I know their are alot of organizations about inner city violence people that dont agree with Black Lives Matter who run these programs because Black Lives Matter focuses on such a very small sample of a problem we face as black people.
BLM is this huge thing when it is only protesting about 0.2% of murders that happen to black people. 0.2%!!!!!!! Are you freaking kidding me?
Yeah it's about holding cops accountable ok great. When are we gonna start holding each other accountable in the community? Because I dont see it except from these small programs that we have and the few people like me speaking out.
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