How to destroy civilization in 10 easy steps:

1) Claim that science, reason, and rationality are tools of oppression.
2) Focus on equality of outcome at the expense of equality of opportunity.
3) Teach a generation of students that being offended by certain *ideas* makes them better people.
4) “Decolonize” curricula by switching from robust epistemologies (scientific method) to radically subjective ones (autoethnography). Simultaneously, claim that anyone who has a problem with this isn’t merely mistaken but is a terrible person.
5) Sanction and shame people who have conversations across political and moral divides. Guilt by association is a particularly good enforcement mechanism.
6) Promote cultural, moral, and epistemological relativism. In other words, advance the notion that there’s no way to make independent judgments about cultural practices, moral codes, and ways of knowing.
7) Create and legally enforce blasphemy laws. This will be most effective if certain ideas are made sacred and thus immune from criticism. Bonus: Equate criticisms of ideas with criticisms of immutable properties of people.
8) Advance the narrative that what people can know is limited to exogenous, immutable characteristics, like skin color or gender.
9) Deny people healthcare based upon their income.
10) Do not provide a public education of the first rate for every citizen.
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