You can’t be a feminist and also support adoption. Why? Because adoption is a system that commodifies women’s reproduction. It capitalizes on telling certain women they aren’t good enough to be parents (especially if they’re poor and/or BIPOC). 1/
Adoption sells the infants of the “not good enough” to white, upper and middle class women who society deem “better”. These women often continue to persecute the natural mom by treating her as a second rate individual all while rearing her flesh and blood as their own. 2/
And that’s not even touching the issue of creating a traumatic separation and a lifetime of suffering and loss for the adoptee, which should be the first issue.
Handmaid’s Tale may have intended to be dystopic but it’s scarily accurate. Did you notice how the Wives were some of the worst oppressors of their fellow woman? They served the patriarchy and benefited in their own ways (forcing women to give them their infants). 4/
There’s a reason it wasn’t Serena Joy who represented feminist ideals in HT, and it should be glaringly obvious how turning women into baby factories who provide infants for the infertile or for the aspiring saviors is anti-feminist. 5/
Adoption oppresses adoptees. Adoption oppresses women. Babies should not be for sale. If you support adoption you are not a true feminist. End of story. #adoption #adopteetwitter #feminism #resist #handmaidstale #forcedreproduction #prochoice #ChildTrafficking
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