I come at this from so many different vantage points. Wife of a teacher. Mom of a junior and 8th grader. Member of the reopening committee for one of their schools. One of my kids is a nationally ranked athlete. I want — I need — them back in school. But there is no way. https://twitter.com/chrislhayes/status/1280864261170966531
Hybrid models require double the teaching capacity. If half the class is in school, who is teaching the other half online? Transportation. Busses half full mean double the busses. Online learning in the spring was woefully inadequate. Big upgrades needed there, tech wise.
In school? Funds needed for additional staffing, assuming you can comply with social distancing requirements, PPE, deep cleaning, and that assumes no outbreak. In which case the whole thing grinds to a halt overnight. Then you are virtual, without the ability to do it well.
Without a huge influx of cash there is no scenario in which this school year will even remotely be considered a success. We are poised to lose a ton of ground here no matter what situation your specific school district finds itself in. Academically, socially, etc.
This is a direct consequence of the ineptitude of the Trump admin and Governors of red states. The Northeast showed the rest of the country how to flatten the curve; they chose not to learn. Now all our kids, no matter where they live, will pay the price.
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