His lawyer says that that White House ruined his career, so the poor guy has no choice but to join the Pantheon of Sanctified Victims and move on to a wildly lucrative job in academia and/or the private sector.

I simply could not understand what Prissy Lips was saying.
It was a cargo-cult version of procedure that relied on Vindman deciding unilaterally that it's "improper" for the president to express concern when it comes to concerns about corruption involving Democrats.

And since nobody knows how anything works, they don't know THIS:
"When Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman appeared before members of Congress on Tuesday to discuss what he knew about President Trump’s conversations with Ukraine’s president, he was violating an order from his commander in chief not to cooperate with the House’s impeachment inquiry."
If Trump wanted to RETALIATE against Vindman, then Prissy Lips would be in the brig.

Instead, Prissy Lips now becomes another rich and famous "victim" of what John Bolton calls Trump unprecedented corruption.

So what about this "corruption"?
How do politicians get rich in Washington?

Three ways:
1. Insider trading.

2. Earmarks.

3. Donations.
Congress writes the laws, so Congress made sure that its members don't have to disclosure their assets.

Keep in mind we're talking about NET WORTH, which means holdings.

They don't have Scrooge McDuck vaults of cash.
Insider trading means they get tips on what to buy and sell.

"Earmarks" is money appropriated for projects.
"For years, Pelosi has pushed for federal transportation earmarks to build and extend a lightrail project in her affluent San Francisco district, securing more than $890 million for the project between 2004 and 2011."
"Interestingly, Pelosi and her husband own an office building, valued between $1 million and $5 million, located at a prime distance from one of the planned lightrail stops. If the project is completed, the Pelosis could see the property value increase by as much as 150%."
And donations?

Politicians usually keep their "war chests."

So how is TRUMP corrupt?
Well, Trump is SLASHING federal regulations.

In the past century or so, regulations have become the means for Washington to EXTORT from the private sector.

They also give lobbyists MASSIVE power.
Politicians use regulations to CHOOSE WINNERS and to write regulations FAVORABLE to the people who give them the most money.

Lobbyists also work to get earmarks that benefit both the lobbyist's client AND politicians.

Trump is getting rid of all of this.

Obama poured money into "green" companies designed to fail, and then the CEOs--his donors--walked away with billions of OUR MONEY.

Speaking of corruption, Hillary Clinton charged ADMISSION FEES as Secretary of State.
Donate to the Clinton Foundation, and she'll talk to you.

So again:

How is Trump the most corrupt etc. etc. etc.?

When I asked my communist brother, he was silent for ten full seconds and then changed the subject.
Trump is "dismantling the administrative state," as Steve Bannon said.

Decentralizing the federal government.

He is ANTI-corrupt.

And don't tell me about his businesses. Do you know that Mohammed bin Salman has to do when he travels?

He has to rent out entire hotels.
The entire staff is replaced with Saudi security.

They install bulletproof windows.

THAT is how much danger he's is.

His visits create MASSIVE disruption.

Trump is a multibillionaire. You think he's rubbing his hands over $20 million here and $750,000 there?
Trump is ELIMINATING means of political corruption.

How does that make him corrupt?

And any grown man who uses the term "bullying" is unfit for the armed forces.

We're all supposed to forget that Trump was impeached for non-crimes.

What about THAT corruption?

Do you think a total subversion of the rule of law in Washington MIGHT be tad more serious than Prissy Lips running weeping into a giant pile of money?
Trump has the AUTHORITY to do CRAPLOADS of things that he chooses not to do.

He is letting the Democrats destroy themselves.

And the self-destruction is is picking up speed.
"Far-left “Squad” members Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) partnered with the coalition Movement for Black Lives in promoting a bill filled with radical proposals, including..."
"...defunding the police, abolishing ICE, eliminating state gang databases, establishing a commission to design reparations, and developing curriculums that 'examine the political, economic, and social impacts of colonialism, genocide against indigenous people, and slavery.'"
The Squad is worth its weight in gold.

Two tons of pure gold.

This is an all-out extermination campaign against black Americans.

No police, no arrests, no anti-gang protection, monetary rewards for prostitution, and illegals to take jobs.
THIS should terrify every single black American:
"Tlaib described the measure as ushering in a 'new version for public safety — a new vision for public safety, one that protects and affirms black lives.'"
WELL, @RashidaTlaib, I myself got a preview of your "new vision for public safety."

The cops stopped arresting a homeless woman who keep trying to kick down my back door.


She brought a male friend, they ambushed me, and I ended up in a fight for my life.
I know the gun laws in California inside and out.

Therefore I was reduced to using chunks of concrete.

IF THE COPS HAD BEEN ALLOWED TO PROTECT ME, those two would not have ended up in the shape they were in when they left.

Here's what I tell people over and over:
If you have the stomach for it, watch YouTube videos of what people do in Third World countries when they catch criminals.

I was born and raised in a Third World country.

Criminals did not survive being caught by citizens.

A 58-year-old man with severe osteoarthritis should NOT be forced to fight like a caveman on his own property.

Why should I pay my taxes if it's the law of the jungle?

So I say to black Americans, "BE ANGRY."
But not at Trump.

Be angry at the political party that now is trying desperately to make YOU fight for your lives with chunks of concrete.

And the hell of it is, YOU CAN'T EVEN SCARE PEOPLE AWAY.

That's why I had to silently use concrete.

It was a COUNTER-ambush.
Over in seconds.

No arguing.

No warning.

Just a super-fast, super-violent counter-ambush.


Where's the morality?

These people are crazy. And NOW look at them.
If the violent mentally ill homeless were taken care of, people wouldn't have to fight them off with chunks of concrete.

Are you following me, Squad?

Leftism BRUTALIZES both the taxpaying citizen AND the criminal.

Black Americans, the Squad wants you DEAD.

You are our family.

I trust you to do the right thing in November.

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