Remember last week, when the politically biased propaganda media told us that cases were rising in Az, Tx, Fl...because their Republican governors opened too soon? Well guess what, spikes are happening all over the country, & it had nothing to do with opening too soon.

It's becoming apparent that it has more to do w/ people congregating inside, not outside, probably to escape from the heat. Fortunately there is one of two things at play. Either 1. Vitamin D is playing a bigger role than most of us thought possible, or 2. The Virus is weakening.
But the harbingers of doom keep telling us to wait and see, the avalanche of deaths are coming. Yet we know there is on average a 20 day window between catching the virus and death (for the small % that die). Here's the new case count in Arizona.
Yet in places like Arizona it's been 40 days since cases doubled, 30+ days since cases tripled, yet hospitalizations are down and so are deaths.
If it's the younger generation that has seen an increase in infections, are they not spreading it to older people? If so what's the worry that our children in schools will get infected? As I've sad many times, this is not the 1918 pandemic. Where almost 50% of deaths were <25 yo.
Other than the economy, is anyone paying attention to the depression and suicide rates? Almost 40% of youths have said that they have been depressed during these lock downs, with 14% saying that they have PTSD symptoms. How is this healthy for them?
Make no mistake, this is a coordinated attack. The media has been relentless in it's attack on this administration since Day 1, & has no bounds on achieving it's agenda. Even if that means being in bed w/ a corrupt medical establishment, which has no value for human life. #RISEUP
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