With everything thats gone on these last few months, I feel I cant go back to posting happy silly furry stuff without issuing some sort of statement, ya know?

I dont want important issues to be glossed over, forgotten, psuehd away by fursuit photos, but what do I say?
And how will what I say be interpretted?
A major reason I needed a break was watching so many people on the SAME SIDE of an issue going at each others throats for nuanced understandings
Ive said it 1000x people need to have conversations, not twitter battles
And more often than not, people want to be "right" or want to "win"

If your are too impatient or angry to listen to your allies, or help educate your allies, how are you going to win over or help teach someone on the other end who disagrees with you?
My head has been spinning for weeks, about SO MANY important topics. What do I say? How do I say it? How do I do the most good I can? Will people even take the time to listen and converse, or will they scroll past or just jump at the opportunity to argue? What is the right thing?
And my BIGGEST fear, will something I say and mean in the most respectful and educated way, be retweeted to supply people I dont agree with, with ammo for their arguments against what I believe in or mean, and paint me as an ally of the eneny?
We all need more patience, we all need to ASK MORE QUESTIONS!

If you think Twitter is a good place to educate people, you need to tell me the last time you ended a fight in the comments with someone saying

"Wow, I have seen the error of my ways, you win this internet war"
And we all need to recognize when people are on our side, but maybe we come from different places, and need to educate each other.

And recognize how much we imply from tone, diction, or meaning when I we have is text and not a human face or voice
The WORST thing we can do to the causes we care about the most, is shoot down our allies

We are shooting ourselves in the foot if we cant recognize OUR OWN young, uneducated, youthfully ignorant selves in others and remember how much we've changed the way WE think over the years
Have patience

Have questions

Dont try to "win"

Speak up! Always speak up! Stand for what is right!

BUT LISTEN, and DONT let your assumptions blind you.

Ask yourself how much you know, and how much you assume from whatever you find in this internet minefield
How can we expect people to say "youre right man my mistake, I fucked up, thanks for showing me I was wrong" if we cant recognize and admit the mistakes we've made.

If you want to be able to be forgiven for times you werent the person you are today, give others room to be flawed
And PLEASE do not take that to mean let shitty people be shitty, fuck no!

Tear down statues, but on a fucking mask karen, FUCK TRUMP.

But as a kid raised Mormon in a conservative home, teenage me said some fucked up stuff that NOW me could never repeat or support
So I guess, in conclusion, I KNOW people will read too much into this thread, I KNOW people will find one sentence they disagree with and disregard the rest

But be more willing to listen, be more willing to admit you COULD be wrong, and admit you, like we all, are still growing
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