Anybody notice this mirrors exactly the toxic rhetoric spewed daily by CPC’s politicians?

It is an exact match.

This incident is the result of CPC spinning lies, smears and disinformation. And media choosing not to challenge those actions.
CPC has created extremists who are now acting on the disinformation fed to them for the last 4.5 years.

With the help of complicit media.

Notice how this journalist presents the toxic screed from the attempted assassin. Like it’s a legitimate excuse for his rage.
There is no query whether these reasons are valid or real. Just a list of his frustrations, presented without question as to their validity.

And no mention that these complaints by the perpetrator are exact echos of CPC rhetoric.
“Experts are saying”

Isn’t that the conservative dog whistle for elitists?

As in, there’s a bunch of trained social scientists speculating about what might be happening, but what do they know?

Followed by the age old mental health rationale. One lone nut case acting alone.
Has any journalist thought to explore the impact that toxic negative political rhetoric presented daily for 4.5 years, intersperced with disinformation, false accusations and conspiracy theories has on financially stressed individuals during a pandemic?
Any chance journalists might start questioning the toxic rhetoric producers about their culpability for creating this attempted assassin, and countless others, willing to take up arms to defend demagoguery and disinformation?
Nope. Just a list of the perpetrators grievances taken at face value as legitimate complaints.
This is how extremism is normalized. This is how disinformation gets legitimized. If no one questions it, the information must be true.
I can’t underscore how disappointing and demoralizing it is that mainstream media is behaving in a manner that will legitimize this type of response to the extremists conservative rhetoric has already created. Exacerbating the danger to the PM and his family.
It’s mind boggling to witness such irresponsible journalism and complicity to the conservative agenda.

Even if you passionately dislike the direction the duly elected government is taking, there is ABSOLUTELY no justification to take matters into your own hands.
There is ABSOLUTELY no justification for failing to connect this incident with the toxic rhetoric regularly provided by opposition parties on a daily basis.
There is ABSOLUTELY no valid reason to present both sides in this situation. Violence is not an acceptable solution to ANY problem in a social democracy.
This is propaganda model reporting. Giving moral equivalence to the complaints of a radicalized member of society, spouting word for word the toxic rhetoric he’s been fed by political actors, who are attempting to destroy the social democracy known as Canada.
Propaganda Model is the manufacturing of consent by the media.

Reporting of this incident is giving tacit approval for the actions of a radicalized far right conservative to take matters into his own hands.
The media is normalizing an attempt on the life of the sitting government leader. Not condemning the action and the beliefs that the perpetrator expressed as justification for his rage and seditious behaviour.
The public should be demanding better from the media.

An attempt on the life of the PM is being minimized, rationalized and presented as a normal response to the “provocation” of left or liberalist ideology.

An assassination attempt is NOT normal. And there is ABSOLUTELY no justification for acting on frustration and extremism brought on by continuous exposure to toxic rhetoric.
Canadian Mainstream Media is working to promote the conservative agenda. How else do you explain the “journalism” that normalizes and minimizes an attempt on the life of the PM using CPC talking points and word for word rhetoric?
So, I thought I would attach some proof for anyone struggling to accept the accusation.

This is the political environment immediately prior to the attempted assassination of PMJT. Screen shots of Scheer twitter site. Word for word match of perpetrators list of complaints.
So that’s leading up to July 2 attempt on PM’s life.
This is what has been amplified since the assassination attempt on Scheer’s account.
Same toxic rhetoric driving radicalized supporters to action.

This is CPC. In the days AFTER an assassination attempt on the life of the PM.

So, there is the answer to why Scheer has not spoken about the assassination attempt. Because he keeps providing tacit approval.
But that’s not all I found. A troll wandered by and commented. So I checked out his twitter feed. And boy did I find some interesting information.

You know how RCMP have ruled out any assistance or connection to others? Well, that does not entirely appear to be true.
Apparently, on July 1, 2020, around 10,000 people gave notice they were taking back Canada.

You’ve got to watch this video. It’s insane, but required to understand the scope of the radicalization taken hold in far right Social Media.
Ten thousand people went to Ottawa to protest the sitting LPC government.

But MSM, except for Ottawa Sun, mislabeled the protest as a BLM protest.

It wasn’t. It was one of the leaders of Q’Anon Canada submitting a request to the US Embassy in Ottawa, to be delivered to Trump.
The letter requested assistance from Mexico & US to intervene and investigate Trudeau for corruption and assistance to remove him from power.

With 10,000 far right supporters who supported the letter to back up the veracity of the letter in the street outside the Embassy.
So I took screenshots of their activity before and since the assassination attempt.

Apparently the plan was to camp out in front of parliament until Trudeau resigned or the minority govt fell to trigger an election.

Trudeau is considered a dictator ruling vs governing.
Please read through these series of screenshots.

There is a serious radicalization problem in Canada. Being suppressed from public awareness on the left, by complicit media and law enforcement.

I’m stunned. This is all open to public view. They are not hiding it at all.
Notice this group has petitioned the courts in Canada already.
There is evidence of Christian extremism. A spiritual war for control of government. Deeply connected to white supremicists and Q’Anon.
They are organized and demanding Trudeau step down.

We know the attempted assassin was in Ottawa the day before he rammed the gate at Rideau Hall. Did he attend this protest?
This group seemed to think their protest had made an impact. They acknowledged the Rideau Hall incident and wondered if it was one of theirs?
Here is a copy of the letter delivered to US Embassy by Norman Traversy on behalf of “Canadians.”
Article in daily caller. I assume a far right “news” site.
This is a Facebook group with over 30,000 members.
Has MSM reported any of this? Has RCMP investigated the group?

Is anyone going to acknowledge that the giant pink elephant has burst out of the middle of the room into the street, & they are fighting a “war” to take back Canada from liberals and socialists, like we are vermin?
I’d like to think so.

But I’m not so sure.

We have a huge problem. Extremists, radicalized by far left politicians and internet based propaganda are planning to depose the PM.

And no one is reporting this except far right media that only far right reads.
RCMP seem to think the attempted assassin acted alone. And just uttered some threats. After he rammed through an iron gate, wrote a manifesto, and brought weapons and ammunition on a walk through Rideau Hall grounds looking to chat with the PM.
Am I the only Canadian seriously disturbed by this?

WTF is going on?!?!

An organized far right 30,000 + member group has made at least 2 overt moves to depose the sitting government and no one knows this because MSM is NOT DOING THEIR FRICKING JOB TO KEEP US INFORMED!
And the RCMP are telling Canadians in official updates that it was a lone actor. Though 10,000 people protested the day before. Several camped out at Parliament Hill, but were asked to leave after the assassination attempt.

So they protested again today.
I need some answers. Why is this being suppressed by the MSM?

What the hell is going on?!?

Why isn’t this front page news?

Why is CPC getting a pass to encourage insurrection, sedition and treason?

I’m not hyperbolizing. This is nuts!
Ok. So this gets worse.

A reader sent me a copy of a report that originated out of UK that reveals white supremacy terrorism has increased by 320% in the last 5 years.

And Canada has highest activity out of US, UK and Canada proportionally.
This is the article that contained the report. It came out June 17, 2020. And contained a dire warning that upto 11 million people have been exposed to the far right radicalized extremist propaganda.
This needs to be a WAKE UP call to every Canadian.

Over 6600 different online avenues generating enough hate to impact 11 million SM users.

It’s no wonder we have radicalized Q’Anon extremists taking up arms.
Bear in mind, I am one of those 11 million SM users exposed to hate. I’m not radicalized. So a significant portion of that 11 million is resistant to these narratives composed of toxic rhetoric.

I didnt realize how pervasive it’s become until an assassination attempt on PM.
Our foreign owned Mainstream Media is suppressing this information. Our federal law enforcement is down playing the risk. Our official opposition is exacerbating the situation by providing the narrative, and tacit approval.
Canada is under siege by the far right, who are radicalizing citizens. Some of those citizens are highly vulnerable to toxic rhetoric and beginning to form plans for insurrection and acting on those plans, including assassination attempts.

This is NOT an understatement.
In October 2019, I came upon a podcast. Frank Schaeffer provided a prescient warning.

Schaeffer is a former evangelical Christian. He understands the Dominionist movement and the agenda being carried out. An agenda that includes Canada and access to vast natural resources.
Schaeffer also communicates the threat of violent removal of opposition if Trump loses the presidency.

What is the current threat in Canada? Radicalized citizens beginning to organize to overthrow the duly elected political party that won the October 2019 election.
We need to heed these warnings. Because we are living this reality, in the moment. As documented above, there are thousands of radicalized Canadian citizens ACTING on the belief that overthrowing the govt is their only option to gain political power. Revolution vs democracy.
This movement promotes the belief that political power is their entitlement and right.

Don’t be side tracked or deterred by the religious cloak Dominionists use to advance their political movement. This is not a religious community. It’s a political movement.
Fascism has been cloaked in religious garb to ward off scrutiny.

There is no doubt by reviewing the leaders of this movement in Canada, that it is using Dominionist dogma to advance their power aspirations. Claiming religious faith as the source of belief is protection.
This is the religious freedom that CPC and Canadian conservative leaders promote.


All deeply connected to the Dominionist movement.
This Dominionist movement is global. It includes but isn’t limited to:

But it also includes other faiths. It’s a political movement to destroy democracy globally.
Other nations include but are not limited to:
Saudi Arabia

This Dominionist political movement is funded through dark money by the globe’s wealthiest oligarchs:
Koch Brothers
Semion Mogilevich
Those oligarchs are the architects of Dominionism and recruit other wealthy oligarchs to fund and support this political movement, through donations to think tanks, religious institutions, family focused organizations, and other non profits who do not pay taxes.
Trump, Johnson, Harper, are not the architects. They are the strategists and foot soldiers that carry out the actions dictated by the architects to destroy democracy and install GUIDED Democracy.

Russia and China were guided democracies. Totalitarian leaders with sham elections.
Note: both China and Russia have moved to full dictatorship by appointing themselves lifelong leaders. The sham of democracy for the people has been removed, because they have fully consolidated their power.
Canada is but a bit player on the global stage. But the vast resources we hold in fossil fuels, minerals, fresh water and arable farm land are coveted greatly by the architects of Dominionism.

That’s who and what Canadian Dominionists represent.
You can see why so much effort is being put on overthrowing the Liberals from power.

We are under siege.

In the podcast I shared, the key to defeating Dominionism is shared.

We must obliterate the Conservative party of Canada in the next election. Not merely win.
We need to wipe them off the political map.

Which means we have to reengage those who have abandoned hope and no longer vote.

That’s one of few options to maintain democracy.

Alberta will need help. But remember, only 36% of total electorate voted for UCP provincially.
It means 64% did not. That’s who these radicalization efforts are aimed at. Those who typically don’t vote. That’s who is vulnerable to echo chamber toxic rhetoric. That’s who is being mobilized by the far right.

Wake up now Canada. Or succumb to global fascist new world order.
This is a continuation of the original thread about the failure of the MSM to report accurate relevant information about an attempt on the life of the PM by a radicalized far right Q’Anon supporter.
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