tw// mentions or pedophillia
it's come to my attention that the atla fandom has been harassing my sister, who i won't be mentioning, but i think you guys already know who i'm talking about bcs kids have been harassing her all night. and i think this is disgusting.
she called out a group of kids bcs they started calling d*nte b*sco a pedo or weird for interacting with zutaras (which i have said many times that he's done this before you guys entered the fandom) and frankly, she had the right to do so bcs the way you guys throw those words -
so lightly, thinking it's funny or quirky when it can damage someone's reputation or even worse, trigger someone.
i didn't know about this until this morning, when my sister started breaking down and i have never seen her like this, especially when it came to internet bullies.
my sister is a strong person, and to see her like this, broke my heart - bcs YOU GUYS STARTED CALLING HER A PEDOPHILE for liking azula (who she has been stanning since she was A KID.)
i am shaking as i am writing this bcs I AM disgusted the way yall reduced her childhood trauma to lies when she came out about her molestation. how fucking dare you. my sister went through that and yall dismissed it bcs she's a 21 year old person who loves azula?
she had to come out and say that to defend herself bcs yall started accusing her of being a predator and a pedophile bcs she stans FICTIONAL CHARACTERS.
and yall wonder why we hate kids? it's bcs you don't know when to draw the fucking line when it comes to fiction and reality.
i hope yall are happy. if you throw those words around, without knowing the consequences and still enjoy my zukka art - fucking unfollow me. i hate yall and yall dont deserve my art.
i didn't know about her trauma - she never came to us about it and i hated that i didn't know about it - and it breaks my heart even more that i had to find out about it bcs of the situation.
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