This thread is a reproduction for posterity of a good thread by @OohTheChilliOil, an account deleted by Twitter for unknown reasons, on the "Uighur Genocide". The only archives I've been able to find of this thread are damn near unreadable, so I'm piecing it back together here:
The “Uighur Genocide” - the most overt US Propaganda campaign since the Cold War

Let’s start with ‘Xinjiang’ - the north western province of China that is the home of all of these theories. Xinjiang is an autonomous region of China, integrated initially by the Han Dynasty in 2BC
It was conquered by force by the Turkic Khaganate between the 12th & 18th centuries (during much of the Mongol Conquest of the World)

The Qing dynasty reasserted control in the late 1800s. The region has been part of China since 2BCE, conquered, and then returned to China.
Today’s XJ Nationalists claim XJ had a “95% ethnic muslim Uighur population” - but this is false;
Han Chinese have made up at least 1/3 of the demographic since the initial Han Conquest before the birth of Christ (Gardner, Bovingdon, 2010; “Uighurs: Strangers in their own land”
Upon the victory of the People’s Liberation Army in 1949, with the declaration of the People’s Republic, the Uighur People’s Army welcomed the PLA as a liberator from their Kuomintang (Nationalist) oppressors.
That’s enough about the History of Xinjiang, let’s get on to the Uighur’s, and China’s treatment of Ethnic Minorities:

China comprises of 55 ethnic groups (民族)and their government has exceptions in their laws specifically to allow for concessions to their ethnic populations
An example of these concessions was that all ethnic groups were excluded from the One Child Policy, meaning that only Han Chinese birth rate fell during the time of the OCP.

Another example is expanded religious freedoms. Both Hui and Uighur muslims are allowed to practice islam
Freely, including allowing them to display Islamic/Arabic artworks, read the Quran, and other such activities that are usually not allowed in the secular people’s

Go to any major city and every noodle house is usually owned by a Hui / Uighur Muslim family
So, why is China “imprisoning millions of Uighurs in death camps!” Then?

Well, they aren’t. China is arresting separatists, and Islamic fundamentalists. Why are there so many Islamic Fundamentalists in XJ? Let’s take a look at the geography of Central Asia
So as you can see, Xinjiang, the part of China visible in the map, has land borders with Pakistan and Afghanistan, two countries with high levels of Islamic extremism.

Then you add the East Turkestan Liberation Party into the mix. Ahh fuck here we go
Did you have a read of that? No worries if not, here’s a summary:

Ethnic Uighur nationalism to establish a Sunni Sharia state in Western China.

Interestingly, these guys were all cool with the U.K. and the USA for years, despite being Al-Qaeda affiliates...
But then they pledged for ISIS and decided to start throwing their weight around in Syria. Here is a picture of Ethnic Chinese Uighur separatists fighting in Syria, under the Islamic State’s “Black Flag”

After this, ETLP was declared terrorists by the U.K. and the USA.
Around about this time, the USA was carpet bombing ISIS, and the U.K. was revoking the citizenship of its citizens who joined ISIS.

China suffered a major terrorist attack in Beijing, with a car bomb going off in Tiananmen Square, 5 were killed.
[link here unretrievable ~ CJ]
After this, China authorised their first “strike hard” policy against extremism. This included an arresting of anyone with known separatist or Islamic extremist views in XJ.

Many that were arrested were interviewed and freed, the most extremist were sent to re-education centres
Here is where the lines get blurred. China’s definition of a re-education centre is just that; a centre in which convicted ideological criminals are sent to be educated as to why their point of view is wrong and terrorism will not be tolerated. Then, the patients are moved to...
...Voluntary vocational centres to learn new skills and trades, and to teach them Mandarin Chinese so as to better integrate the region into China proper.

The Chinese government’s thought is that the way to combat extremism is by providing training, education, & opportunity
Now our good old friends at Radio Free Asia (the CIA) are constantly telling us that these “concentration camps” house 1-2 million people, they’re involuntary, torture goes on, etc. Etc. But these claims often come from the same 12-13 Uighurs
Who now all live in the USA and work for Uighur human rights organisations, coincidence? Separatists that ended up leaving the country when they realised they could not foment local revolution? Sounds like Joshua Wong. Anyway, back to the imagined Genocide
One major proponent of the “Uighur Genocide” claims, including the recent articles about forced sterilisation or some bullshit, is Adrian Zenz. Who is Adrian Zenz?

Just a rampant, homophobic, Christian fundamentalist who feel’s he’s on a “One man mission from God” against China
So this man, who has no credibility, is the sole source that gets quoted when related to this tale, alongside our friends at Radio Free Asia (No, seriously, they’re just the CIA*) - and yet, conspiracy theories are being debated in British Parliament?
Ok, so if it’s just conspiracy, then why is it being so heavily thrust upon us by the media and the governments of the world?!

I wondered the same thing about Saddam’s Weapons of Mass destruction. But no, we’re currently in a new Cold War and propaganda and lies will be rife.

🇺🇸: China Has concentration camps!

Truth: America has concentration camps (most prisons offer them free/slave labour, Guantanamo & Other CIA Blacksites are torture/death camps, pot calling kettle black)
🇺🇸:China started these brutal crackdowns after a terrorist attack on their capital

...And what did the USA do after 9/11? Homeland security, the destabilisation of the Middle East, billions more for the terrorist military industrial complex?
America is guilty of the crimes it accuses China of, and China has shown that bombs and bullets are not necessary to Deradicalise extremist dissidents.

The west has built its hegemony on this very terror that China is proving unnecessary. The west doesn’t like it.
End of thread. ~ CJ

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