Reasons Fans Can’t Trust Britney Spears’ “boyfriend” Scam Asghari: a thread

#FreeBritney #CheckTheCourts #EndGuardianshipAbuse #CONservatorship
He cheated on Britney with Morgan Osman/played them at the same time. She’s allegedly a well-known escort, btw.
He lies for a living. Claims he works as a Manchester City trainer. Upon checking their website which lists all the staff, he clearly does not.
He also lies about his accolades to boost his resumè. Lied about being drafted for the University of Nebraska out of high school. University of Nebraska debunked that story themselves. 😂
Not to mention as Britney was fighting for her life in court, he was out on a media blitz promoting HIMSELF.
He dragged her out to red carpet events to promote himself when she clearly didn’t want to be there/wasn’t in the right frame of mind to be.
I’ll let this picture he posted speak for itself
He was directly involved in the smear campaign against her right after #FreeBritney was initiated, dragging her out for a surprise photo op. The look on her face and body language says it all.
He and Jamie are “the closest they have ever been.”
He lied to all of us about her whereabouts on Valentine’s Day and posted an insta story with a plate of roses making it look like they were together as she was locked away in a mental facility. He’s always posting old pictures with Brit to paint the Team CON narrative for clout.
He made fun of overweight people and homeless people, saying their problem is that they are lazy and have no work ethic. WTF.
He lies about how “normal” their relationship is. There’s nothing normal about dating someone under a highly restrictive CONservatorship of the person and estate.
Jamie Spears has a reported history of selling his daughter to men he hand picks and pays.
This is what he wants you to focus on instead of #FreeBritney
He does damage control for Team CON by drawing attention to his “girlfriend’s” weird Insta captions in the midst of #FreeBritney so Jamie can pay his lackeys to write articles about it. It also gets Sham Asghari’s name out there for more clout and publicity. 🤮
He’s dragging her out by the arm so hard that she drops something. And he doesn’t return it either.
She was locked away in a 1-star facility against her will.
She was locked away in a 1-star facility against her will.
She was locked away in a 1-star facility against her will.
She was locked away in a 1-star facility against her will.
#FreeBritney #EndGuardianshipAbuse
Britney tried to go live on insta and Sam quickly grabbed the phone from her yelling, “give me that!”
Another red flag 🚩
The fact that Britney’s lawyer Sam Ingham lost his paycheck as soon as he went against Team CON should tell you something about Sam Asghari’s cooperation with the team.
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