...about word counts, because I'm starting to think I'm just getting spammed.

So listen up! Word counts are IMPORTANT when querying, so let's make sure you're in the correct range for your genre and age range, and not get you auto-rejected.

Contemporary - can range from 25k-55k depending on upper or lower MG.

Fantasy/Sci-Fi - 35k-65k, with Upper MG only hitting the 50k-65k.

Low MG - 20k-35k for early grades, 9-11 ages, etc. (which I don't represent, so please don't send anything under 30k my way!)

Contemporary - 65k-85k (sweet spot = 75k-85k, though it can trend a bit higher)

Fantasy/Sci-Fi - 80k-99k (sweet spot = 85k-95k. Don't hit that 100k mark!)

Contemporary/Romance - 75k-90k (sweet spot = 80-85k)

Fantasy/Sci-Fi - 90k-130k (dependent on world building. Sweet spot = 100-110k...at least for me. Some prefer shorter or longer!)
There is such a thing as SHORT FICTION, but I DON'T REPRESENT IT. It's the adult fiction that usually ranges from 45k-60k and is published at only specific imprints. If you've written an adult romance that's this long, it's considered short fiction. For a full length novel, add
another 20-25k to your story (in a smart, calculated way! Don't just throw words and scenes in there!) and try querying again.

I am seeing way, wayyyyyyyy too many people who don't know the general consensus of word counts, and I don't want you to be auto-rejected for it.
So ask me questions, and understand that going outside this range by a small bit doesn't necessarily mean it's an auto-reject, but if you're outside these margins by quite a bit, more than likely you're receiving rejections because of your word count!
P.S. Historical, low fantasy, contemporary fantasy, etc., all fall between the contemporary and fantasy/sci-fi word counts. They still require world building and will require more words than contemporary, but will not require as much as high fantasy/sci-fi. đź’™
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