I've been nominated by @benconomics to #TweetABlackEconomistsPaper, so I'll tweet about @danielmangrum's job market paper on financial literacy and student loan repayment

Daniel just graduated from Vanderbilt and will be starting at the NY Fed soon

Research Q:

How does personal financial literacy edu. in high school affect post-college federal student loan repayment?


Dose-response diff-in-diff

As more states impose ed reqs, unis will have different changes in the % of students who are exposed to treatment

As shown below, initially Tennessee unis have low % of students exposed to treatment (pctBound)

Vanderbilt is the exception as presumably they have more out-of-state students

Once TN adopts treatment, % of students exposed ⬆️ at all schools, but by diff. amts.


Financial literacy education improves repayment, particularly for first-gen and low-income students at public unis

1st pic: first-gen and low-income students = 5% more likely to make a payment in their 1st year

2nd/3rd pics: but only for students at public unis


Students ➡️ more knowledgeable about fed student loan regulations

Not due to

1. ⬇️ loan balances (only high-income students change borrowing behavior)

2. improved overall financial literacy

3. increased likelihood of attending/graduating college


Familiarizing students w/federal student loan regulations when they take out loans helps them repay the loans in the long run

Alternatively, simplifying the loan process may have similar effects

Here is the link to the full paper if you want to learn more:

And here is a link to his website if you want to learn about his other research!


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