Meet The Arab Eye/Persia Now network.
The network had about 17 different personas. Most on Twitter. Some not.
How do we know they're fake? After The Daily Beast presented our findings to Twitter, the company suspended them for violating platform manipulation and spam policies. But there's a whole lot more evidence than that.
First off: stolen photos. The accounts took photos of real people and passed them off as someone different—without the real people's knowledge or consent. We found about four of those. You can see side by side. They mirrored them, most likely to defeat reverse image searches.
Some of them appear to have been AI-generated using the kind of artificial intelligence software you see in ThisPersonDoesNotExist. Take "Joseph Labba" here.
Fake faces generated by AI are fairly convincing but they do glitch out on some things, like ears and teeth. They seem to have trouble with the ear creases, like Joe here.
Teeth are another sticking point. The algorithm seems to have glitched out on Joe, who wrote for pubs like The Post Millennial, when doing his teeth. Instead of two front teeth and two incisors, he has three (?) front teeth.
(In case you're wondering why I was asking for dentists to hit me up this week)
We asked a dentist to review the pic and he said it looks off too: “This mouth looks either fake or has some sad dental story behind it...The third tooth from the center does not look real to me. If you compare it with the canine on the other side it is obvious."
Overlay the faces of those two personas, ratchet up the transparency, and they’re nigh on identical
So what else makes them seem off? Well, it's a little weird that so many people who were contributors to two suspicious sites (more on those in a bit) all (except one) had account creation dates in March or April
They (mostly) presented themselves as living in European cities and had some fairly similar bios as "political analysts" and consultants.
And then there's their bios. A few had LinkedIn pages. Most didn't. My favorite was the author page for "Amani Shah" at @GVS_News. Imagine my surprise when I found out she claimed to do "ghostwriting" for The Daily Beast
Needless to say, we don't hire ghostwriters and this person never wrote for us.
Most of these fake personas wrote for two websites, The Arab Eye and Persia Now. The sites don't say so but they're linked. Created on the same day. Share a google analytics account. Both at the same IP. Share SSL certs with the same group of other websites.
Persia Now listed an address in London. Couldn't find it for the life of me. They also had a phone number. Called. Texted. Nobody's home :/
(Not everyone who wrote for them is a fake persona. Some people who wrote for them are very real and legit)
So what did they write about? Quite a bit! Themes the network harped on were about taking a tougher stance on Iran, combating Iranian influence in Lebanon/Iraq and cracking down on their proxies there.
Where did they write? Lots of places. American conservative pubs where these personas placed opeds included Washington Examiner, NewsMax, Post Millennial, American Thinker, RealClear Markets.
Another couple of accounts focused on East and Southeast Asian pubs. (this one stole the profile picture of an unwitting financial analyst in Singapore and managed to rack up a few bylines in the South China Morning Post.
The person who deserves the credit for uncovering this is @marcowenjones. Marc does great work uncovering disinformation networks and he was the first to spot something wrong with "Lin Nguyen" and "Raphael Badani." Do yourself a favor and follow Marc.
I'm very tired and have not slept a lot lately so this is how Im gonna end this entirely too long thread. I'm sure I forgot some stuff.
@SamAbuJorj is an invaluable resource and has helped me with forensic image analysis on Russian Secondary Infektion disinfo forgeries. Here’s his work on one of the avatars in the network
You can follow @arawnsley.
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