Governor Abbott’s mask order exposed one of @DanCrenshawTX's many dangerous COVID-19 lies.

He's been making these shameless comments for months, and we've kept the receipts.

Here's a four month timeline of Dan's worst COVID-19 disinformation. (1/20)
On March 7, @DanCrenshawTX said masks DO NOT help prevent the spread of COVID-19, and claimed they’re just for health care professionals. Now, masks are mandated across the state of Texas. (2/20)
On April 20, @DanCrenshawTX said “I think people can take personal responsibility. Wear a cloth mask.” But he defied his own calls for personal responsibility at multiple maskless campaign events just two weeks ago as the virus ravaged Houston. (3/20)
On April 22, @DanCrenshawTX said @HarrisCoJudge's mask measure was “draconian” and would lead to “unjust tyranny.” Now, Governor Abbott instituted the same order and Dan has changed his tune. (4/20)
On May 15, @DanCrenshawTX said “We told everybody we would do this to flatten the curve and to save our health care system. Those missions have long been accomplished.” A month later, his backyard became the nation’s newest COVID-19 epicenter. (5/20)
On May 19, @DanCrenshawTX said “We have a duty to live responsibly with our freedom,” specifically referring to wearing masks in close spaces. Apparently, that did not apply to himself a month later. (6/20)
On May 27, @DanCrenshawTX said “There is no guaranteed consequence with not wearing a mask….it’s not clear the mask would help.” He questioned "the entire strategy of social distancing” & “increasing the amounts of tests.” More disinformation. (8/20) 
On June 11, @DanCrenshawTX said “We saved our hospital systems — they weren’t even close to being overwhelmed,” and “we wrongfully thought what happened in New York City could happen across the country.” Now, the coronavirus is ravaging Houston. (10/20)
On the same day, he claimed Judge Hidalgo’s emergency response was an “irresponsible overreaction,” calling it “pure and simple fear mongering,” and assuring Houston has “enormous hospital capacity.” (11/20)
On June 12, @DanCrenshawTX said the virus is “not going to get transmitted...really I’m not even sure what public spaces it might get transmitted in” and “ seems obvious that mass gatherings should be limited,” before hosting a packed event. (13/20) …
On June 14, @DanCrenshawTX insinuated that mask-wearers were simply “virtue-signaling” rather than protecting each other, contributing to the needless partisanship that has defined what should have been common-sense public health guidance. (14/20) …
On June 18, @DanCrenshawTX said “We can’t allow fear-mongers to use new cases to push for new lockdowns. We can trust Americans to understand the risks and safely reopen.” This is two days before Crenshaw attended two maskless meet and greets. (15/20)
On June 27, @DanCrenshawTX said that “death rates are decreasing and we have plenty of ICU capacity.” Less than a week later, the death rate is rising across Texas. (16/20)
On the same day, he shared a Texas COVID-19 chart that was ten days behind and off by 3,500 cases — per day. (17/20)
On June 29, Dan Crenshaw said the media “can’t find one iota of intellectual honesty” in response to accurate reporting of Texas’ COVID-19 disaster. He went on to malign the factual coverage of Texas’ caseload as “absurd and manipulative.” (18/20)
On the same day, June 29, he went on Fox News and blamed the COVID-19 spike entirely on the #BlackLivesMatter protests. While experts lay doubt on those claims, Dan continues to deflect blame as much as possible. (19/20)
Our community has become the nation’s COVID-19 epicenter, and @DanCrenshawTX must answer for risking our lives and defying public health experts.

He betrayed the people he claims to represent with his shameless disinformation and he owes every Houston family an apology. (20/20)
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