a thread disproving the uyghur muslim concentration camps in xinjiang, china
the first source is from a US-backed far right NGO that calls for the “westernization” of China. their estimates come from interviews with a grand total of 8 people
the second source is from adrian zenz. he is a member of the victims of communism memorial foundation which was founded by the US government in 1983. i would explain why his claims are bullshit but. well, just look at his wikipedia page.
(if you want a serious debunking of his claims, that greyzone article goes into depth. i think his anti-christ homosexuality shit is reason enough to not believe him but)
some countries have praised china’s actions while others have condemned them. there must be something happening then, right?

yes! in xinjiang there is a terrorist rehabilitation effort going on after attacks from uyghur terrorists. this video talks abt it in more depth
part 2
also, isn’t it interesting that the countries denouncing xinjiang’s policies are in the global north and most muslim-majority countries are in favor of them?
so what IS life like for uyghurs in xinjiang?

here is a video with a uygur member of the chinese communist party talking about ethnic unity and new jobs in xinjiang
part two
here is another video talking about how the ccp has lifted millions out of poverty in xinjiang https://twitter.com/XHNews/status/1058651057117634561
why would the government and western media lie about this?

the truth is that president jinping is very popular among the chinese people and the CCP’s policies are WORKING. that scares the US so they create myths about china to keep communism out of our favor. and it works
tell me, when you heard about the internmant camps, did you look for solid evidence? i am guessing not. the west has put lies about china in our head since we were born. when we hear propaganda in the media we accept it bc it “seems like something china would do”
i may add more sources to this thread later but i think this is a good introduction. be weary of whatever western media tells you about communist countries.
here’s another thread that goes more in depth into the history https://twitter.com/hyejuche/status/1283152532869709824?s=21 https://twitter.com/juchiest/status/1283152532869709824
this is a ten year old photo taken intentionally for propaganda- not a starved uyghur in a concentration camp (source next tweet)
here's another good thread https://twitter.com/GOWONlKA/status/1301746112261492736?s=20
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