Watching the real-time speech of Joe Biden's Crime Bill truly exposes the anti-Blackness laden in his 30-year approach to crime legislation. This is his political legacy. He was an ardent supporter and leader of all adopted crime bills since 1976. 1/
Here he says he doesn't care abt causes of Black violence, boasts of bipartisan consensus on locking up Blk kids, & suggests that theyre are going to run into White neighborhoods & kill White ppl.

"I don't wanna ask what made them do this, they must be taken off the street" 2/
Feeds blatantly into the anti-Black trope of parentless Black youth born w/ no parents like a "racial jungle" to argue that young Black children are savage sub-human predators w/ no conscience or morality. "We have predators on our streets" 3/
Here he says many Black kids are irredeemable and rejects attempts to rehabilitate them.
"They are beyond the pale many of those people..we don't know.. how to rehabilitate them"

His reasoning is one step before genocidal eugenicist logic.

Children we're talking about. 4/
More anti-Black dog-whistle fear-mongering . 5/
And he wraps it up by doubling down on how proud he is to be the author of this bill and how there is bipartisan consensus on the need to criminalize and pathologize Black boys. 6/
You can't take the interests of Black people seriously & tell a Black person to ignore Biden's 30 year legacy of anti-Black criminalization directly shaping the conditions of many Blk communities today. Biden's record is anti-Black & a vote for him is as anti-Black one for Trump.
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