“I don’t dream of labor”
“How are we expected to go back to 40hr work weeks after this”
“My dream job doesn’t exist”
Why it’s better for society if all people had more free time than to work [thread]
Aka In Praise of Idleness by Betrand Russel (1935)
Civilization has always been dictated by the people (land owners) who have had the most time to sit and think about how they want to shape the world

Then there is the working class who follows those orders once they have been decided
The disconnect with having wealthy people create policies for workers is that all choices greatly disadvantaged all who are not rich.
It creates policies that ensure they rich stay rich with little disturbance
The standard 40 hr work week and the idea that people have to spend most of their time working to be successful and happy is another capitalist frabrication

Advancements have made it so that people can work less while still being able to afford the things they need
As things are now, we are use to groups of people working 40 hrs a week who are tired and cannot provide for themselves

And groups of people who cannot find work because of “lack of positions” and until they do find a job they are shamed for having too much free time
This keeps part of the population stressed, overworked and distracted while leaving the other part stressed and desperate to take their place. Leaving us all dispensable
(With proper organization) 4 hour work days can become the standard allowing leisure/drastically lowering unemployment/while providing salary to meet basic needs

This would allow leisure to become common place instead of a luxury.
(Raising pay rates, wealth redistribution, universal basic income are implied, it’s not leisure if you’re worried about how to provide for yourself)

An example of this is how the US gov. can implement policies to stabalize the country during war but at no other time
This essay was written in 1935 after WWI. People saw as the gov created policies to protect the population during the war then watched them scrap them afterwords to ensue poor people didn’t have too much free time.

Then do the exact same thing again for all the following wars
Leisure being common place will produce a happier,progressive, more peaceful population as the primary focus isn’t just survival which instead results in an individualistic and hostile society
The idea that people working less hours will create a gap in productivity is false because if people have too much free time and all their needs met, decide they want to exchange that time for a product they will simply do just that.
Rest and relaxation has been placed out of reach for the working class making them things to be earned that can only be attained through working away most of our youth, to hopefully save up enough to rest once we’re older.

And now that’s not even the reality
Anyway the only reason why this isn’t a reality for us is because rich people are greedy and enjoy watching us fight amongst ourselves. Do with that what you will.
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