ㅤ ㅤ
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ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ehaknyon
𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝

ㅤ ㅤ
I will take you to every restaurant that we wants to try ever since and you can always see me eating cutely infront of you.
"How about this restaurant? Let's try it!"

"Let's go? Trust me it'll be good, don't worry"
Eat, eat, and eat ☺️
goofy yet adorable boyfriend.
morning cuddles with him and your
“i hope we stay like this forever, cuddles, puppy love and all... you’re my everything”
photographs your day together

“wow, who would’ve thought that the love of my life was so photogenic”
pouts when you make fun of him.
gets hyper when you make his heart fluttered.
late night dates ; my favorite one.
You took a picture of mine, when we spending time on vacation together.
It takes me forever to confess bc i wants to make sure that you’re “the one”

But when i decides you are, you can expect me to be loyal and treat you like a princess.
I always brags about how amazing you are to the members when you’re not around 🤪

"Hyung look! That's my beautiful girlfriend!"
sends you random selfies but also sends you memes.
Loves to spend time at home with you playing games, watching movies, and napping together.
smiles at you without realizing it.
literally everyone knew he was in love with you before he did himself.
a loving boyfriend who cherishes you with all his heart.
Loud, super loud he will shout "I LOVE YOU"
Gives you morning kisses everyday.
I always reminds you that i love you.
I will calls you pretty all the time.
will always look at you and say how pretty you are and how much i love you.
dogcafé dates.
He always excited when he gets a chance to meet you.
Whenever he has a chance to meet you, he always make sure to give you his bright and warm smile

“how was your day so far, baby?”
Spending time with you while talking at night is his favorite things to do.
Let's not starving ourselves!
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