(A thread). Never forget, marijuana was made illegal due to racism. Many Mexicans after the 1910 Mexican Revolution started moving to the states and bringing their tradition of smoking marijuana. White folks in the United States were terrified of Mexican immigrants.
These white Americans started coming up with the claims that marijuana was given to the Mexicans and that it caused, and i quote, “a lust for blood”. They also replaced the term “cannabis” with “marijuana” to fan the flames of xenophobia. -
Gradually, states began to outlaw cannabis and by the 1930s, an all out war was declared on marijuana.
A man by the name of Harry Anslinger, head of the narcotic department, claimed that, and I quote, “Reefer makes the darkies think they as good as the white man”.
Even then, scientists claimed that the plant was safe but the government could care less. Aslinger, being the racist that he is, said if white women smoked pot then they would have sex with black men. He thought that was a crime.
Soon after, marijuana became illegal all over the states. Many propaganda movies and news paper articles supported the ban on marijuana. (These people still went home and got drunk every single day). Even today in the 21st century, marijuana is still tied to racism.
According to many studies, Black Americans are 4x more likely to be arrested for a minor pot charge than white Americans. In conclusion, marijuana was banned and made illegal due to racist and xenophobic white Americans.
It’s time to make marijuana fully LEGAL in the United States of America. If you don’t believe me, I have the proof the back it up. Legalize it. It’s time. #USA #LegalizeIt #sundayvibes #RacismInAmerica
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