It’s nice(I guess?) that this article states things explicitly, but I think it misses the point and highlights the author’s racial illiteracy. Republicans race problem didn’t start with Donald Trump, he is simply the most emboldened and explicit expression of it.
The Republican Party has been priming the country for this for years. They enabled and flirted in much more subtle ways for decades, and cozied up to white supremacy through dog whistle rhetoric and policies up until the tension they stoked hit a tipping point with the tea party
And once it hit that point, there was no turning back. Donald Trump is exploiting it, but the party isn’t his victim. Just the most extreme element of something they once thought they could control and now can’t pretend isn’t there. The cancer has metastasized.
But people have rightfully been calling out that racism for years. The result of every election at every level nationally for decades along racial lines is as indicting as can be. And again, I promise you Black ppl don’t vote Dem at the rate we do because we trust/like them.
That’s why I say it’s racial illiteracy. What we’ve told you was racism for years, you couldn’t perceive. Only now, when the president retweets supporters screaming white power and calls neo nazi’s in khakis “very good people” are some of you like “wow, that’s kinda racist”
You didn’t recognize the smoke, and now the shit is fully engulfed in flames and you’re like “how did we get here?”
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