Science, as an endeavour, is a construct of society. It, and the people doiing it, have all the same biases as wider society. People then recruit people who look and act like them, people who have similar backgrounds who they can bond with. #unconsciousbias
This wholly non-diverse body of scientists then become the face of science, and the next generation of diverse kids look up at them and think, 'that career isn't really for people like me'. Lack of diversity breeds lack of diversity.
What you have to do is disrupt the system. Deliberately. Question hiring decisions. Hire diverse people who can not only do great science, but can inspire the next generation of scientists across the whole of society. In this way, science can get the very best of ALL the talent.
HIstorically, science has been amazingly productive while mostly being done by rich and middle class white men. Imagine how many more amazing things science could do if it was properly able to speak to the whole world, and recruit all of the best of humanity's talent.
Once you've got that talent, you have to put it in an environment where it can thrive. An environment that genuinely doesn't care about race, sexuality, gender, disability, age etc.
Science is not bad at that - because it does value ideas - but, and it is a huge BUT - there are big expectations of how your career should look, hours you should work, conferences you should go to, the way you should network and behave. These do not support diverse scientists.
So what can we do? One simple step. When hiring, do your first sift of applications on blinded proposals - do NOT look at the CVs or names. Judge the ideas, not the person. Then later, only use the CV to check the person has the skills to deliver on their amazing ideas.
And don't tell me to be patient. How long is it going to take? Noone will ever convince me that the best way to change something that's obviously wrong is by doing nothing. Be part of the change, or else you are just propping up the system.
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