psa: anyone treating this kanye 2020 thing as if it's at all legitimate is a f cking idiot.
even indulging it this month makes you look like a f cking idiot.
you ain't gotta try so hard, i promise.
yeah, cuz trump decided he was gonna run for president in july of 2016. that's exactly what happened.
and what i'm saying is, given the energy you've given to this idea, you're not much smarter than the people you're calling idiots. in fact, you sound like an idiot.
okay, but in this case, you are one of the idiots. i will underestimate you, sir. i will, i promise.
long of the short: the incoming twitter class of 2020 is gonna be the ones saying how they'll vote for kanye and this nonsense will become a thing outta thin air. unless we really think 237k people retweeted that.
i just can't imagine typing this and sending it to *me*, thinking you've said something no one's ever thought about.
the guy who's worn maga hats for the last three years, stopped caring about his blakc audience about seven years ago and says "slavery is a choice" is really coming for the base of the democratic party. oh yeah.
you idiot, who are these black people you think are voting for kanye? or is it you think black people are idiots, hence this idea has a chance? ask yourself this.
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