THREAD: Dallas missed yesterdays game through injury which gave Barry Douglas the chance to come in and impress Marcelo Bielsa. I took a closer look at how the left back performed. #LUFC
Barry has heavily involved in a lot of Leeds United's play both in the defensive third and attacking third, making in total 77 touches, with only Liam Cooper making more. If you look at the position of these touches, there were a lot in both halves of the field.
When in attacking areas, we all know that technically he is one of the best players in the squad and this showed through the game yesterday. He combined really well with Alioski, with Douglas passing the ball to Alioski on 12 occasions and Alioski to Douglas on 10 occasions.
23 of his successful passes (50 in total) where forward and 17 where in the attacking third, one less than Klich who made the most (18). This just highlights his quality in possession of the ball and how well her contributed to the attacking side of Leeds United game.
He was close to getting an assist after composed play inside the area. Throughout the match he mainly supported from deep but once Leeds were comfortable he started to get on the overlap more and offer a threat in the box. This was where his experienced really showed for me.
Out of possession he kept close to Cooper as Gallagher, who he was up against played on the right but due to him being naturally a striker he played quite narrow. This meant Cooper and Douglas went 2v1 and limited Gallagher to only 26 touches before replaced subbed.
As full backs go Douglas isn't the quickest but his starting position and the way he reads the game was very good. Below is an example of where he doesn't allow Gallagher to pick the ball up a run at him, instead nips in and comes out with the ball.
I’d say its his best performance in a Leeds shirt and a performance closer to the ones we saw him produce for Wolves. His quality on the ball was very good, finishing the game with highest pass accuracy of 88% and defensively he was very solid once he settled into the game.
One thing that also can’t be quantified by stats is what he offers in terms of leadership and experience. I think he helped Leeds control the game and his promotion experience could be vital in the run in. Close to 6,000 followers so retweets to share this thread are appreciated.
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