Yep. The homophobic, racist nasty POS who parade around as ‘gender critical’ when in fact they just genuinely hate trans people.
Never read feminism in their lives and can’t differentiate between critiquing gender as a theoretical construct & taking the piss out of trans people
And let’s not pretend we don’t see the lesbophobia & misogyny aimed at the women they are claiming to want to protect.

People need to wise up to the fact that there are plenty of radical feminists who are truly gender critical, and we do this without ever mocking trans people.
Being ‘gender critical’ requires you to engage in arguments, debate and evidence around the theoretical constructs of gender roles and stereotypes - and whilst that also doesn’t make us very popular, we at least do this without causing harm to others we disagree with
So fucking sick of being lumped in with the same women who have no interest in feminism at all, no interest in the advancement of females and the liberation of oppressed women and girls around the world - because they’re too busy mocking and bullying women and trans people
To be clear, I am radical feminist and therefore, I do not subscribe to the belief/theory that gender is innate. Gender roles are a set of schemas and constructs we used to categorise humans into roles and characters and behaviours (and rights, and positions in society).
But at no fuckin point will my position spill over into attacking opposition, attacking other’s beliefs or personally mocking people who either support the position that gender is innate - or who ID as trans or NB.

The personal shit slinging on both sides of this has to end.
And we have to acknowledge that within the so-called ‘gender critical’ position, there are many different groups with many different motivations - including just outright right wing hatred, transphobia and homophobia.
Those groups do exist and they parade as GC feminists.
This criticism can equally be applied to the men who claim to be ‘trans allies’ but actually just fuckin hate feminists and women so they use all of their time attacking and bullying women and feminists ‘in the name of trans rights’.

They couldn’t give a fuck about trans rights.
You know who I mean, the men who have taken it upon themselves to be the heroes of trans people, who talk ‘for’ them, and don’t actually know a single trans person.

But they sure do hate women and feminism, so they use trans rights and trans struggles as their cover story.
I have no malice towards anyone in this debate, who is here for genuine debate of the theories and constructs of gender and sex. But I am at my wits end with people jumping in from both sides who are just loving the fact they can bully, abuse & mock with impunity in this issue.
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