Failing to understand the difference between the inter-subjective which is not necessarily real and reality is the reason why people go crazy when you say all lives matter. They think this denies the inter-subjective fact, although unreal, of the scourge of racist attitudes. An..
unreal cause can have a real effect. The inter-subjective contains talk about reality, delusion and obscenity such as the idea that humanity is divided and not one race. People screaming racist at those saying all lives matter are unwittingly preserving and event promoting the...
evil they desperately want to eliminate. Humans have the special ability to act on falsity. The inter-subjective is not bound by rules of logic, consistency or reality. In it are great truths along side utter B.S.. Confusing cause with effect- in this case utter B.S. of racism...
with physical reality is what academics cause a category error. In normal language it is a dangerous and very simple but sometimes hard to grasp mistake. The effects of this B.S. are very real but that does not mean the cause, racism, is a physical reality. The reality is...
all lives matter, its okay to be black, white, yellow, grey, gammon, pink etc:. I cannot tell you how frustrating it is to see humanity divided, as if an axe has struck the body of society cleaving it head to toe with the guts of kindness, sympathy, respect and love spilling out.
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