Aneurin Bevan was a Marxist who was expelled from the Labour Party for being too left-wing and demonised by the press for building the NHS.

If he was still alive today he’d be condemned as a dangerous radical - by the same charlatans who lavish praise on him on days like this.
When you talk about Bevan’s expulsions from the Labour Party, people refer back to 1939 and the Popular Front.

But the fact is the Labour Right were trying to expel him throughout the 1950s - after he had built the NHS.

They came within one NEC vote of doing it in 1955.
The Guardian, for example, absolutely despised "Bevan and the hate-gospellers of his entourage."

They ran a vicious anti-socialist campaign against him throughout the 1950s and advocated a vote for the Tories in case he might become PM under a Labour govt.
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