We are dealing with the following types of antisemites:

1) We acknowledge your existence, but we don't acknowledge your right to govern yourselves free of persecution.
2) We acknowledge your existence, but we also think you are the cause of all the world's problems.
3) We acknowledge your existence, but we have to kill you.
4) We acknowledge your existence, but we only like you if you fit the narrow definition of a stereotypical neurotic Jew.
5) We don't acknowledge your existence and the people who call themselves Jews are from Russia.
6) We only acknowledge the existence of European Jews so that they fit the profile of the privileged white European despite the genocide that happened.
7) The people who call themselves Jews today have no connection to the Jews of the past, therefore Jews don't exist.
8) We only recognise the tiny extremist sect of anti-Zionist Jews as "real Jews".
9) We don't recognise any of your historic sites and therefore remove all connections to the land to which you are indigenous.
10) You are shape-shifting lizard people.
11) Something bad happened in (country) therefore Jews must be involved.
12) Something good happened in Israel, so we're going to call it ______-washing because it's a PR move.
13) Nothing happened, so we're going to blame them on the weather.
14) The Holocaust happened and it was their fault.
15) The Holocaust happened and Jews use it to get sympathy.
16) The Holocaust happened and that's a good thing.
17) The Holocaust didn't happen.
18) I have Jewish friends so I have carte blanche.
19) Anne Frank would have been pro- (insert my cause here)
20) I will literally beat up Jews in the streets. (see reference: https://twitter.com/themossadil/status/1211982952973971456?lang=en)
21) Palestinians are semites too, therefore there is no such thing as antisemitism.
22) We don't know why Jews are hated but they MUST have done SOMETHING to deserve all that persecution.
23) A Jew was involved in (insert scandal). Now we have proof of their misdeeds as a whole.
24) They killed Christ
25) They caused/spread (insert disease)
26) They made a deal with Satan
27) They use the blood of gentiles to make Matzah
28) You can't join our cause (BLM/Dyke March etc.) because we disagree about Israel
29) If you are Jewish you must publicly denounce Israel before we let you (run for campus elections/perform a show)
30) BDS applies to all Jewish performers regardless of their position on Israel.
31) "Get out of Palestine"
32) "Go back to Poland"
33) "Go back to Israel"
34) You can't be Jewish! You're (insert non-white colour)
35) You can't be loyal to (country of residence) because you're a Jew.
36) I learned all I need to know about the Talmud from a Reddit thread and now I'm an expert.
37) The Jews treat Palestinians worse than Jews were treated during the Holocaust.
38) Jewish children are taught to dehumanise non Jews. Here's a picture of a child with a toy/non functional weapon.
39) Firebombing of a synagogue in Europe considered legitimate criticism of the State of Israel.
40) "This is what Rosh Hashanah is" a short film by Jeremy Corbyn.
41) You think you're better because you are "chosen".
42) Your religious text commands you to (insert act of depravity here) against non-Jews
43) We have ordered the NYPD to start arresting Jews for violating COVID prevention measures.
44) I will give you my definition of antisemitism in such a way that my statement doesn't qualify as antisemitism.
45) Facebook has reviewed the post saying "kill all the Zionists" and we have determined this post does not violate our community standards.
46) We will allow Hezbollah (banned terror org) in the Quds Day march calling for the destruction of Israel (the only march solely aimed at calling for the destruction of another country) but only the political wing.
47) Jews culturally appropriated every staple of their diet.
48) "Zionism is (insert the opposite of what Zionism is here)"
49) The Jews killed a Palestinian for no reason when he was on his way to visit his sister (shares video of terror attack he literally just attempted with his car).
50) Sharing a picture of anti-Zionist orthodox Jews doing something terrible saying "This is the true face of Zionists."
51) Sharing a picture of anti-Zionist orthodox Jews with "Free Palestine" signs saying "Not all Jews are Zionists"
52) If a Jew did it, "The Jews" did it.
53) If a Jew was a part of the group that did it, "The Jews" did it.
54) If an Israeli did it, "Israel" did it.
55) If a Jew said something antisemitic, "even a Jew admits it."
56) Arabs are Semites too.
57) Jews aren't a race
58) Jews are white
59) Jews aren't white
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