The year is 2022. President Kanye West had made his first official trip to India, and is now seated next to First Lady Kim Kardashian, and Science Advisor Elon Musk.

Modiji, wearing a saffron Yeezy shawl, is at the podium: "my friend kanye... how long we indians ball? all day!"
When you go to your boys country and you’re all wearing orange 🍊
India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi hugs U.S. President Kanye West as First Lady Kimberly Kardashian looks on before President West's five day-long official visit to India, June 26, 2022. REUTERS
this could happen
Indian PM-for-life Modi makes his runway debut at US President Kanye Omari West's Yeezy Fall 2023 Fashion Show at Madison Square Garden while on an official visit to the states.
anyway, bump the homie SO Fire's new track that starts off with a vocal sample from the infamous Ye and Zane Lowe interview. Verses by @shayanroy, AHMER, @tienasmusic from @azadirecords
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