Boris Johnson's Tory UKGov is plotting 'biggest power grab yet' on Holyrood. “They know they can’t win an election for Scottish Parliament, so have come up with a scheme to undermine it instead" .
UKTory proposals for a “UK internal market” following Britain's EU exit would undermine devolution & the democratic choices of Scottish Parliament,& jeopardise flagship Scottish policies, such as minimum unit pricing for alcohol & free university tuition fees.
UK requirement for all-UK regulatory standards could lead to Scotland having to accept chlorinated chicken imports if they were permitted in England. Russell: “The agenda is clear – there is a hostile agenda to devolution, action being taken under Brexit to weaken devolution.”
“They’re plotting to introduce a new law to hand power to Tory ministers in devolved policy areas, under disguise of protecting the so-called "UK internal market" after Brexit. Under their plan, if WM adopts lower standards in devolved areas, Scotland is forced to accept them"
“And they are considering setting up an UNELECTED oversight body to set a new ‘UK internal market’ test for any new Holyrood legislation, using Brexit as a cover to mount the biggest power grab on the Scottish Parliament yet, & we will do all we can to stop it from happening.”
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